Here is a list of my publications. You can also consult my Google Scholar profile if you prefer.
Article in an international peer-reviewed journal
[7] Mixture-of-experts for handwriting trajectory reconstruction from IMU sensors. Florent Imbert, Eric Anquetil, Yann Soullard, Romain Tavenard. Pattern Recognition
Conference Paper
[6] Domain adaptation for handwriting trajectory reconstruction from IMU sensors. Florent Imbert, Romain Tavenard, Yann Soullard, Eric Anquetil. ICDAR 2024 Workshops, ADAPDA, Aug 2024, Athènes, Greece.
[5] KIHT: Kaligo-based Intelligent Handwriting Teacher. Tanja Harbaum, Alexey Serdyuk, Fabian Kreß, Tim Hamann, Jens Barth, et al.. DATE 2024, Mar 2024, Valencia, Spain.
Communication at the SIFED symposium in France without proceeding
[8] Mixture-of-experts for handwriting trajectory reconstruction from IMU sensors. Florent Imbert, Eric Anquetil, Yann Soullard, Romain Tavenard., Symposium International Francophone sur l’Ecrit et le Document (SIFED’2024), 2024, Nantes, France
Article in an international peer-reviewed journal (+ presentation at ICDAR 2023 – Journal Track)
[2] Online handwriting trajectory reconstruction from kinematic sensors using temporal convolutional network. Wassim Swaileh, Florent Imbert, Yann Soullard, Romain Tavenard, Eric Anquetil, IJDAR (2023)
Conference Paper
[4] Towards the on-device Handwriting Trajectory Reconstruction of the Sensor Enhanced Pen. Alexey Serdyuk, Fabian Kreß, Micha Hiegle, Tanja Harbaum, Jürgen Becker, et al.. IEEE 9th World Forum on Internet of Things, Oct 2023, Aveiro, Portugal.
Conference poster at the SIFED symposium in France without proceeding
[3] Adaptation de domaine pour la reconstruction de la trajectoire du stylo à partir de capteurs cinématiques, Florent Imbert, Eric Anquetil, Romain Tavenard, Yann Soullard, Symposium International Francophone sur l’Ecrit et le Document (SIFED’2023), Juin 2023, Paris, France
Communication at the SIFED symposium in France without proceeding
[1] Toward Deep neural network for pen trajectory reconstruction from kinematic sensors, Florent Imbert, Eric Anquetil, Romain Tavenard, Yann Soullard, Wassim Swaileh, Symposium International Francophone sur l’Ecrit et le Document (SIFED’2022), Oct 2022, Rennes, France